How to Build an Amazon Affiliate Website


When it comes to making money online, you’ll have plenty of options available to you. Frankly, just choosing an online type of business to run with can be quite overwhelming. Blogs, niche sites, the sale of your freelancing services, and on and on. Many people are however drawn to the model of the Amazon Associates affiliate. Hi there, WebsitesAdvice is back again with another content. Now, we are going to discuss How to Build an Amazon Affiliate Website in 2020.

Many people also decide to add elements to their current blogs or websites as part of an Amazon affiliate plan Really it is up to you. To keep this post to the point, however, we’ll show you how to create an Amazon affiliate site from the ground up. If you have tried to get a business off the ground or consider starting a business, now is your chance. We cover all you need to know to start your own very successful Amazon affiliate website and eventually your online dream job.


It’s important to get to the heart of why you want to start an Amazon affiliate site first, before we jump in. To begin with, Amazon has a very low payout for affiliates, usually around the 1-3 per cent mark. Don’t let that dissuade you though. There are some very high-ticket products that you can sell that will still give you a decent amount of income per sale. In some cases, you only have to sell 2-3 items a day to move through the mark of $100/day.

That said, there are many reasons why people would decide to start an Amazon affiliate website, the most common ones are listed below:

  • They are relatively easy to start, which makes it a great way to start and learn the Internet marketing ropes.
  • They have a clear path to make profit from development.
  • The “cookie” from Amazon allows you to earn revenue from other items besides the one you support.
  • Amazon has already built in authority so at your end there is less “selling”.
  • If you choose the right product there are plenty of opportunities.
  • Post review can get good traffic and is relatively easy to create.
  • Such sites can easily be scale-up if you choose the right niche.
  • May yield good money in the long run.

That said, there are also some disadvantages to setting up an Amazon affiliate website you might want to know about:

  • Amazon commissions often fall below other affiliate programs.
  • Creation of review-oriented content can over time become quite repetitive.
  • Building links and the ranking take time and energy.
  • Today Amazon niche sites have to be carefully designed to last for the long term.


The following question always comes up when creating a website: Should I create a website about what I’m passionate about? This is a tough question to answer, for it has no cut and dry answer. It depends entirely on what you’re indeed passionate about. For example, if your passion is underwater basket weaving, there is probably not a sufficiently large market supporting that to generate revenue through the sale of affiliate products (I could be wrong). On the other hand, if you’re passionate about dogs and enjoy buying the latest high – end pet accessories, then you might have a niche with which you can work.

If choosing a niche, make sure that it is in a field in which you wouldn’t mind writing for the long term. But also, keep in mind that it’s often easy to become passionate about something once it begins to bring money month after month into your bank account. Below we delve into a cycle of niche exploration that will help you get started in selecting the best niche for your business objectives.



You’ll need to pick a niche to target before you move into building your platform. The development of a website that reviews every single Amazon product under the sun will do no good for anyone. You will need to narrow down your audience and the items you will be selling to have a successful site. To actually work for an Amazon affiliate site, you will need two things:


Most of the partner website traffic should come from product – related searches, and product reviews. In general terms such as “Blendtec 570 vs Vitamix 5300” or “greenworks mower vs black and decker” will be more long – tail terms. The traffic coming from keywords like these will be very focused, because the searcher wants to buy something. These searches indicate the individual is just searching for more details so that they can make an informed purchase decision.

It is best to avoid keywords such as “how to build a treehouse” or “homemade coffeepot” (in your initial research), as keywords such as these are more informative and will not directly translate into a sale. We do however illustrate how you can integrate keywords of this kind into your overall content strategy. The amount of traffic required to have a successful site will depend on the price of the products you promote and the rate at which your site will convert visitors to buyers. Sometimes, to have a very profitable site you don’t even need a large amount of traffic.


If you’re going to be mainly promoting Amazon products, selecting a set of products that has a relatively high price point is important. After all, making a solid income off promoting $1 – 5 products are hard, because Amazon’s commission is so low. Items with a higher price point, such as high – end appliances , furniture, BBQs, blenders and juicers, or bikes can at least cost you over $50 a sale.

But if you can’t find a high – end product series you ‘d like to promote don’t let this deter you. If the volume is high enough, you can still earn decent income by promoting cheaper produce. We also point to an example below that promotes books solely through Amazon and still makes good commissions. Note, the Amazon cookie remains available 24 hours a day. So, you’ll receive an affiliate commission for any products purchased during that period of time.



Once you’ve done all the heavy niche selection lifting, keyword research and competition analysis, then finally you can start building your site. It is critical that we do not miss all the above steps. You would hate spending months on a site, only to learn that it is not going to be profitable at all. All this tough work for nothing.


When you choose a domain name you’ll want to choose an official domain, this doesn’t limit your website’s ability. For example, might sound like a good choice, but then just writing about outdoor grills is limited. Once your site becomes more advanced, something like will allow you to expand your site to different niches.

This will help ensure that your domain name won’t restrict you into the future. Today’s online success is all about long term thinking. From a number of sources, you can buy your domain, we suggest Namecheap, Hostgator or Bluehost, and many other domain registrars. We’ll assume, for the sake of this illustration, that you purchased your domain from Namecheap. Once you buy your domain you will need to point it to your web host. Yeah, you’ll actually have to buy your hosting before you set it up, but we’ve included it as a guide here.


Your NameCheap dashboard will show all the domain names you acquired via their service. We will be editing the nameservers, so they refer to your web host (bought below). To the far right of your domain name, press the’ Manage’ button. All relevant information on your domain will be brought up here. Browse to where it says ‘Nameservers’.

Click ‘Add Nameserver’ and input the nameserver information you received from your hosting provider. It should look like what’s shown below. This will have your domain name pointed towards your servers.

  • 1st Nameserver:
  • 2nd Nameserver:


Your web host is responsible for hosting all the files required for the functioning of your website. You’ll have a variety of options to choose from when choosing a web host. Some will be dedicated to sites with high traffic volumes, while others will directly host WordPress sites. To walk you through the installation we’ll assume you’ve decided to go for website hosting with HostGator.

They will send you an email when you sign up for hosting which will give you access to cPanel, along with your login credentials. If your domain name is already associated with your hosting account, then you can skip this step. If not, then carry on reading. Navigate to the ‘Domains ‘ section within your cPanel, and click the’ AddOn’ domains.

You will enter the domain name you purchased above when this screen opens. What you need to do is enter the New Domain Name and the Password boxes. Click ‘Add Domain’ and your hosting account will be associated with this domain. Once that is done we can finally start WordPress installation.


Fortunately, most Web hosts make installing WordPress on your new site very easy. Most offer a one-click installation which will guide you through the whole process. The guidelines below again pertain to hosting HostGator. Navigate to Software and Services inside your cPanel and click on ‘QuickInstall’.

On the QuickInstall page, navigate to the WordPress link on the left sidebar under Popular Installs. Scroll down a little, and you’ll see a form that looks like the one below.

Pick your domain name from the drop – down menu. Insert your email address, the name of your blog, and the admin user name (this will be used for login purposes). Then click’ Load WordPress ‘ button. When done, you will receive an email with your login details sent to the email address you provided in the form. Hold this tight, as you’re going to need for the next phase.



Navigate to your dashboard to install your new theme by going to “” Insert your username and password from your installation and you will be taken to your WordPress dashboard. It’s going to look like the image below.

Once inside, navigate to Appearance > Themes. On the Themes page, click’ Add New’ and then’ Upload.’ From here, you can upload the themed files that came with your purchase. Usually it’s going to be file titled like’’



There are a variety of WordPress plugins that will support your account in a number of ways. There’s literally thousands of plugins to choose from. Luckily, you don’t need that many of them to make your site work properly. Below we’ll highlight our favorite plugins that are both free and paid. To install plugins on your WordPress site, go to Plugins > Add New. From here you can either upload the downloaded plugin or scan for the plugins you want to add.

  • EasyAzon – This plugin allows you to easily create Amazon affiliate links from within your WordPress mail editor. This could be a huge time-saver. The Pro version of this plugin also includes a number of additional features, such as the ability to create Amazon-based image links, call-to-actions, and clickable product information blocks.
  • YoastSEO – Yoast SEO is a very intuitive plugin that helps you optimize single piece of content for better search engine rankings. Even if you don’t know anything about SEO, this plugin has everything you need to get started and even provides recommendations for improving each message.
  • WP Review – WP Review adds a further layer of depth to your review entries. You can build a review system for different product features with this plugin. This plugin is also very simple to use and will allow you to create an elegant review system very quickly.
  • Pretty Link – Pretty Link is going to help cloak your links, so they look less spammy. For example, if you have a link that looks like “,” people are less likely to click on it. With this plugin, you can convert that link to something like “” This plugin also provides information on data and tracking.
  • W3 Total Cache – Faster sites provide better user experience and even better performance in search engines. Caching plugins will help to make your website faster. It’s easy for your website to get bogged down and run much slower once you have a large site with a ton of content and media.


Your Amazon affiliate site is only as good as your content. If you remember from your initial research, one of the indicators that we could take over a niche was when a competing site had low-quality content. Below you’ll learn about four common content types you’ll be using to populate your site.

1. The In-Depth Review Post

One of the most popular pieces of content you produce to promote products is in-depth review posts. You should spend a lot of time on these posts, because they essentially serve as a promotional copy to persuade your visitor to move over to Amazon. This post will provide your purchaser with everything they need to know about the product in order to make an informed purchase decision. We’ll give you a few ingredients that you’ll want to include in each post below:

  • Link to their experience and speak to what pain points this drug can address
  • React to any product objections
  • Highlight the benefits of each feature of the product
  • Find information that the Amazon product description does not include
  • Please mention any drawbacks of the product
  • Give your final verdict and tell them where to purchase the product (via your affiliate link)

2. The Comparison Post

Usually you’ll compare and contrast two or more of the top selling items in your market for a comparison post. Your aim might not even be to get one product to come out on top, but rather to demonstrate how each product is better suited for different people. You will include the same elements from the review post above for these posts, but you will also highlight differences between the two products, and breakdown of which product performs best under certain conditions.

3. The How-To Post

Apart from merely creating review content, publishing valuable posts that only exist to serve your target market can be beneficial. For example, if your site is dedicated to furniture in the backyard you might create posts covering topics such as:

  • 5 Awesome 10-Minute BBQ Meals
  • 10 Family-Friendly Backyard Games
  • The Ultimate Guide to Hosting A Backyard Cookout
  • How To Determine When It’s Time To Buy A New Grill

Speak of such material as merely informational. The sole purpose of this is to represent your target market without listing any of the items that you support.

4. Roundup and Listicle Posts

Listicle posts are extremely popular. Since these are usually very widely shared, they have the opportunity to bring back a lot of traffic to your website. These posts can also be viewed as massive resources , which means they could attract relevant links to help improve your rankings for search engines. To continue from the previous example, some posts in the furniture list at the backyard could be:

  • 100 Of The Most Awe-Inspiring Patios in The World
  • 50 Design Experts Weigh In On What Makes The Perfect Backyard
  • 30 BBQ Kings Show You How To Make The Perfect Kebab


We know that this post contains a lot of information, so it may be helpful to see some real – life examples of places that are doing the right strategy. Below you’ll find three examples of Amazon’s successful affiliate sites in completely different verticals.


Kitchen Faucet Divas

This blog reviews hundreds of various types of cooking faucets. We also provide in-depth guides on how and a lot of other useful content. Their review material is packed with starred reviews, and you can only get information from them about the product.


Pick My Shaver provides comprehensive reviews of the electric shavers. This shows just about any niche can be created around affiliate sites. Their content is very comprehensive and they provide comparison reports, so you can make sure you get the right shaver for yourself.


This platform mainly promotes books that will not result in a lot of affiliate income but you also get a discount for any other products purchased within that 24-hour window.



Building a successful affiliate site with Amazon takes a great deal of work. But, even if you’re a beginner, learning the fundamentals of working online is a great way to. The above steps taught you all you need to know to start making your own very own website. It’s now time to get to work! Remember that success comes only with consistent and sustained effort.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. SMS

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